With the foundation of Europe’s first beauty farm at Lake Tegernsee in 1955, Gertraud Gruber laid the cornerstone for the first holistic cosmetics – based on a philosophy by which we’ve lived ever since. That philosophy, the COSMETIC CULTURE with heart, hand and mind, is more relevant today than ever and we want to carry it forward together with her exemplary vision.
Our principles, which we nurture and by which we live
The values and principles by which we live have guided us since 1955 and are guarantees for GERTRAUD GRUBER COSMETIC CULTURE.

A great feeling all round
Why sustainability?
It’s not always easy to do the right thing. Including when it comes to sustainability. There are so many different aspects, approaches and considerations on this subject, and choosing which path to take requires a conscious and reflective decision. Here at GERTRAUD GRUBER KOSMETIK, our priority is to develop products that contribute to holistic beauty and at the same time protect the environment.
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Treatment as the cornerstone of our philosophy
Alongside exercise and nutrition, treatment with skin-specific products is one of the fundamental pillars of our philosophy, which we have been living, practising and perfecting for over 65 years. And, at GERTRAUD GRUBER KOSMETIK, the hands of the beautician performing the procedure are always the central medium when it comes to cosmetic treatment. That’s because the result of a treatment is not just a well-groomed appearance, but also a caressed inner life. This is how the connection of body, mind and spirit for preventive health care according to Gertraud Gruber is brought about.